Amidst a backdrop of swirling mists and stormy seas, a young girl stands defiant on a remote lighthouse island off the rugged coast of British Columbia. Her eyes blaze with determination, her heart burns for justice.
It’s April, 1860. Meet Charlee LeBeau, an orphaned Métis girl, stranded on Deception Island after surviving the shipwreck of a California merchant schooner, Salish Wind. With her loyal companion, a Salish Wool Dog, and the support of a steadfast woman lightkeeper, she recovers from her harrowing ordeal. But her path forward is fraught with challenges as her memory betrays her.
From the settled streets of San Francisco, to the wild harbor town of Victoria, to the treacherous coves of Deception Island, Charlee’s pursuit of justice threatens to consume her. As she turns sixteen, she longs to return to the life she once knew, and a place where she belongs.
With vivid prose and page-turning action, Charlee LeBeau & The Golden Deception immerses readers in a world where alliances are forged, courage is tested, and the pursuit of truth shatters even the most unexpected deceptions.